that's cause you have gigichthysphobia. i pulled this word out of my ass. i just took the ancient greek word for "giant" and "fish" and added "phobia" at the end. weep
The only real issues I have are that I'm not the biggest fan of holding down the jump button to go higher while doing a hammer jump, maybe there can be a setting for it? And there isn't any d-pad support so i often fall off the ledges during 2d sections, if these could be fixed it would be appreciated, other than that, it's great!
To anyone who’s having issues with the 32-bit version, please try the Windows version, and run it with the new Compatibility Mode.bat file
The 32-bit exported version of the game seems to come with physics-related issues on Godot’s side of things, but it seems like most people are having issues with the Vulkan rendering method anyway, so hopefully this new Compatibility Mode, which changes it to OpenGL, will fix that!
Needs proper drop shadows, some invisible walls to section you in within the 2d sections. Look at how Crash does it with the Bonus rooms. Maybe its just my muscle memory but having to hold A instead of just holding the clutch like regular Anton blast was hard to get used to. I really like the look of it and I hope you guys keep working on it. Very interesting 3D remake.
I’ve released a 32-bit Windows version of the game. I can’t test it faithfully on my own machine, so please let me know if it works or not if you do run a 32-bit Windows machine!
Hi! The fan game looks really awesome by the footage, unfortunately it closes as soon as the window appears for me. Crashlog says this:
Godot Engine v4.3.stable.official.77dcf97d8 -
USER WARNING: Your video card drivers seem not to support Vulkan, switching to Direct3D 12.
at: DisplayServerWindows (platform/windows/display_server_windows.cpp:5985)
USER ERROR: D3D12CreateDevice failed with error 0x887a0004.
at: _initialize_device (drivers/d3d12/rendering_device_driver_d3d12.cpp:6302)
USER ERROR: Condition "err != OK" is true. Returning: ERR_CANT_CREATE
at: initialize (drivers/d3d12/rendering_device_driver_d3d12.cpp:6670)
USER ERROR: Failed to initialize driver for device.
at: initialize (servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp:5372)
Thank you! I’ve updated the 32-bit version again, please let me know if it works. There should be some visual issues (Brulo and TNT blocks notably are textureless), but if the game at least works, I can get to fixing those next
Sorry for the confusion, next to the game exe you need a folder called palettes, with two Ts, not palletes with two Ls. You don’t need a Details folder, that’s just how does spoilers lol
How palettes work
Palettes are enabled as soon as it finds a PNG file in the palettes folder that starts with either Anton or Annie
How Danton works
The Danton gamemode is just holding the scream button while you press Play on the main menu, which will unlock the mode
← Return to game
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hey uh bug found and it is funny so dont to atomic bomb on slope
very good but i had a bug when i did the antomic blast on a ramp the character haves a seizure
Can you let me know which ramp that was?
the upper one, the one annie's seeing
Thanks, I’ll note that down for next patch!
it shows a black screen on windows version
Try the compatibility mode bat file
thanks it now works
actually nevermind it stopped working
Then there’s something wrong with your computer, if it already worked once it should work every time
im still confused can anyone send a pallete that i can use
imagine we get skeletons in your closet
just a question; will the game get more levels or will it just be boiler city and run like hell
Not sure yet, for now just those two
how do you get run like hell?
Hold the Scream button while pressing Play on the main menu
thanks, also does run like hell even HAVE a end by chance?
Nope, it’s an endless highscore chase mode
Made a video
RUN LIKE HELL! *wownanawonaughwanowaughwahnanonwaaaaaaaaaaaugh,dingdingdingding*
how did you get the satan voicelines so on point with the og?
he got the actual voice actor
its actually the same guy who did Satan in the OG Anton, pretty much Gianni Matragrano is going on some side quests
how do i play "run like hell"?
How to unlock Run Like Hell
Hold the scream button while pressing Play in the main menuthe mysterious glasshouse is scary enough on its own, i am NOT ready to see the 3d version of it.
slackjaw jumpscare
did you know slackjaw was supposed to look directly at the screen
front-facing slackjaw
(this isn't sp_slackjaw_turn please trust me it's actually sp_slackjaw_appears)
I NEVER BEAT TMG CAUSE OF SLACKJAW (i have a fear of big fish 😭)
that's cause you have gigichthysphobia. i pulled this word out of my ass. i just took the ancient greek word for "giant" and "fish" and added "phobia" at the end. weep
- anton whenever you close the game
The only real issues I have are that I'm not the biggest fan of holding down the jump button to go higher while doing a hammer jump, maybe there can be a setting for it? And there isn't any d-pad support so i often fall off the ledges during 2d sections, if these could be fixed it would be appreciated, other than that, it's great!
Hey there, I’ve addressed both of those issues in the latest update!
To anyone who’s having issues with the 32-bit version, please try the Windows version, and run it with the new Compatibility Mode.bat file
The 32-bit exported version of the game seems to come with physics-related issues on Godot’s side of things, but it seems like most people are having issues with the Vulkan rendering method anyway, so hopefully this new Compatibility Mode, which changes it to OpenGL, will fix that!
It worked! Sorry if I made like one thousand of comments saying that the game don´t worked or crashed
Great to hear, thank you for the reports!
Will the game have more levels or just Boiler City and Run Like Hell?
I’d like to update it with more levels some day, but no promises!
The game crashed to me, i tryed to say that on YouTube but my comments just desappers. I uploaded the logs in a mediafire link, hope that helps
also i found a softlock on the 32bits version, i just clip into the floor:
Hi, please try the Windows version, and run it with the new Compatibility Mode.bat file
Hi, please try the Windows version, and run it with the new Compatibility Mode.bat file
Needs proper drop shadows, some invisible walls to section you in within the 2d sections. Look at how Crash does it with the Bonus rooms. Maybe its just my muscle memory but having to hold A instead of just holding the clutch like regular Anton blast was hard to get used to. I really like the look of it and I hope you guys keep working on it. Very interesting 3D remake.
I’ve released a 32-bit Windows version of the game. I can’t test it faithfully on my own machine, so please let me know if it works or not if you do run a 32-bit Windows machine!
Hi! The fan game looks really awesome by the footage, unfortunately it closes as soon as the window appears for me.
Crashlog says this:
You may need to update your graphics drivers:
If that doesn’t work, I’ve released a 32-bit version of the game, you can try that too
Otherwise, it sounds like your computer may be too old to run this? Ironic, I know, considering the whole 64 thing
Which Vulkan mode are you using for this, compatibility?
If you run it with the new Compatibility Mode.bat, it switches it from Vulkan to OpenGL
WHAT THE BLAST!!?!??!?!???!?!?
the game is solid and well made but the clutch needs to be a bit faster and last longer.
the game immediately closes when i open it
I need to see the crash log. It should be in:
I’ve released a 32-bit version of the game, let me know if that fixed it for you
i got the logs here and the 32 bit version, it says
Godot Engine v4.3.stable.official.77dcf97d8 -
USER ERROR: Required extension VK_KHR_surface not found.
at: _initialize_instance_extensions (drivers/vulkan/rendering_context_driver_vulkan.cpp:153)
USER ERROR: Condition "err != OK" is true. Returning: err
at: initialize (drivers/vulkan/rendering_context_driver_vulkan.cpp:594)
USER WARNING: Your video card drivers seem not to support Vulkan, switching to Direct3D 12.
at: DisplayServerWindows (platform/windows/display_server_windows.cpp:5985)
USER ERROR: D3D12CreateDevice failed with error 0x887a0004.
at: _initialize_device (drivers/d3d12/rendering_device_driver_d3d12.cpp:6302)
USER ERROR: Condition "err != OK" is true. Returning: ERR_CANT_CREATE
at: initialize (drivers/d3d12/rendering_device_driver_d3d12.cpp:6670)
USER ERROR: Failed to initialize driver for device.
at: initialize (servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp:5372)
Thank you! I’ve updated the 32-bit version again, please let me know if it works. There should be some visual issues (Brulo and TNT blocks notably are textureless), but if the game at least works, I can get to fixing those next
EDIT: Sorry, NOW it’s updated lol
can you make cinnamon springs like in the demo
EDIT:Also how make the secret work with the folder next to the game exe i created the folder but it doesnt work
The folder needs to be named:
can you be specific i put a folder next to the game exe i named it Details and put a folder inside it named palletes
Sorry for the confusion, next to the game exe you need a folder called palettes, with two Ts, not palletes with two Ls. You don’t need a Details folder, that’s just how does spoilers lol
how do you enable palettes and danton i put the folder you told me to
this secret is so confusing
How palettes work
Palettes are enabled as soon as it finds a PNG file in the palettes folder that starts with either Anton or AnnieHow Danton works
The Danton gamemode is just holding the scream button while you press Play on the main menu, which will unlock the modei maked the secret work just the put the exe in the folder
also why is it screaming when i close the game thats rude
the game crashes when i open it. make a 64 bit version and 32 bit version
I’ve released a 32-bit version of the game, let me know if that works for you
it works
Really cool. The change to the hammer bounce is weird though.
It should definitely be the other way around, holding jump should make you fall faster and not holding jump should give you normal height
this is so freaking good
i blasted my pants now in new dimension