The 'Elevated Privileges' Update

Hey, I guess I wasn't done making this just yet, so here's a pretty major update.

If you plan on updating, please delete your old '/CCTVs/St. Jonas Ave' folder first!


  • Added 2 new CCTVs to monitor, with 30+ new anomalies to encounter
  • Added a new e-mail system used by CCTVs
  • Added CCTV passwords
  • Added an ending
  • Adjusted time before some anomalies spawn/escape
  • Fixed the Camsec CCTV window's UI elements rendering outside of it when resized too small
  • Removed 2 unfair anomalies from St. Jonas Ave

For users who create their own CCTVs:

  • Added a system to spawn anomalies when others escape or are secured
  • Add an 'anomaly_when_secured.txt' file to the anomaly's folder, with the name of the anomaly to activate inside it
  • Same goes for 'anomaly_when_escaped.txt'
  • If you want an anomaly to only spawn via another anomaly, add an underscore to the start of its folder name, ie. '_secret'


SMILE! You Are On CCTV (Windows VM) 186 MB
6 days ago
SMILE! You Are On CCTV (Linux VM) 183 MB
6 days ago

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