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This comment is probably quite late but for those still interested the command: /ignoremod mods/psi/psi.mod.gml

Will cause the game to ignore the otherwise very annoying errors.

The mod looks cool, but I found 2 wrong things with it

1. Creating a cast program is super hard without a guide or a tutorial

2. The mod always traces those 2 errors:

Always: mods/psi/psi.mod.gml[L652,c28] Variable is not an array

When trying to shoot with a CAD device: mods/psi/mods/default/cad.wep.gml[L34,c5] `102210` (Player) does not have a variable `spellAssemblerVisible`

Whenever i start a game with the mod it constantly shows an error saying "psi is not an array" anyway to stop it or disable error messages?

idk man, have you got it to fix that

Damn i don't damn not understand.

9joao6, thank you for creating such interesting mods. Any chance you have a tutorial lying around somewhere for creating spells?  I tried following the screenshots but was unsuccessful in compiling anything other than bullets that kill myself.

I do not have any video at hand, but you are free to watch those at the bottom of Vazkii's Psi page.


Could you make a video or gif of the weapons in action.

I've added a gif to the top of the screenshots sidebar.

Thank you.